Who’s down for an all-nighter this weekend!? The Marathon Crash Ride is the place to be! It’s a super-late Saturday night/early Sunday morning ride along the L.A. Marathon course after they’ve closed the streets to cars, but hours before the race starts and hours before the sun comes up. This is an annual ride that has happened for the past 10+ year! The Big Bike meet up is at the Santa Monica Pier at 1:00am on March 16th and roll out at 1:30am. Then ride to Sunset Blvd. and Fountain Ave. in L.A. for the start of the Marathon Crash Ride. Then at 4:00am, the huge ride rolls out and snakes along the closed course of the L.A. Marathon. Then at about 5:30am or so, arrive back at the Santa Monica Pier to watch an epic sunrise. It’s an awesome ride that you’ll never forget!

Marathon Crash Ride