Cult of Individuality

A Dope Clothing and Bike Collab

In 2018, the clothing brand Cult of Individuality reached out about doing a collab to combine bike life with their clothes. They wanted to make sick high end t-shirts, a hat, jeans, a jersey, a hoodie, and track pants. We created a couple “Cult Flyer” Big Flyers for their marketing, too.

Cult of Individuality did some amazing marketing with these items. They even had Dblocks and some others riders at appear at a tradeshow where they shot some cool photos while garnering even more hype for the brand.

Team Riders were Stoked!

The SE team riders who scored the Cult of Individuality items were so stoked. Look how tiny Oneway Ry was back then!

Cult of Individuality x SE Bikes Video

Cult of Individuality made this video in 2019 to debut the collab.