With unique and groundbreaking bikes such as the original PK Ripper and Quadangle, along with sponsorship of legendary riders like Stu Thomsen, Perry Kramer, and Mike Buff, SE Racing was at the forefront of the first BMX boom over four decades ago. The original old-school SE bikes have been recreated and transformed into BMX bikes of all sizes from 16” all the way to the monstrous 29”+ wheel sizes. SE’s Retro BMX bikes of today have the same legendary design aesthetics that made them famous in the 1980s but are now built with modern geometry and upgrades galore. The Retro BMX line was originally created for the old-school BMX enthusiast. But the audience for the SE Retro line has grown organically and the bikes are now in demand by all types of riders, regardless of age, history, or knowledge of SE’s storied past.